Street art
Transforming City Spaces: Street Art, Urban Cultures, Transnational Networks
Why has an illicit activity become one of the most significant art movements of recent years? How did a subcultural practice once regarded as vandalism come to signify urban creativity? In what ways can street art contribute to the invigoration of cultural practices and city spaces? These questions are answered by means of an interdisciplinary approach combining comparative fieldwork with theoretical analysis, and drawing from urban studies, criminology, cultural theory and socio-legal studies. The project provides a grounded evaluation of street art’s potential to transform our understandings and experiences of urban spaces, cultural value, and traansnational networks.
contributors: Alison Young
view projectArt/Law Network
Voluptas voluptatem dolorum non et nihil maxime Libero reiciendis adipisci harum tempora. Tempore optio qui eos aut delectus esse. voluptate consequatur est qui ut. Et possimus est et illum maxime. eum libero sed Iste modi rerum in totam. non iure reprehenderit adipisci rerum. Voluptas id dolorum doloremque voluptas. Magni sed at tempore molestias fuga. Hic … Continue reading Art/Law Network
contributors: Alison Young
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