Elaine Campbell is an interdisciplinary criminologist working across criminology, sociology, cultural studies and cultural geographies.
She is Professor of Criminology at Newcastle University in the UK. She researches and publishes on the spatial, affective and performative dynamics of crime, policing, surveillance and security, with a focus on how these are visually, materially and discursively constitutive of urban environments. Inspired and informed by poststructuralist frameworks of inquiry, her recent work has explored the topological dynamics of policing geographies; digital vigilantism as an assemblage of bodies, spaces and things; the choreographic power of urban crime; and the cultural politics of roadside memorialisation.
She is currently developing scholarship which draws on the ‘new materialisms’ to reimagine the political ontologies of urban riots, and is extending her recent research on policing spaces to explore the relational landscapes of ‘justice in the city’.
related publications
`Policing and its spatial imaginaries’ Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology 8:2 (2016).
`Public sphere as assemblage: the cultural politics of roadside memorialization’ British Journal of Sociology 64:3 (2013).
`Transgression, affect and performance: choreographing a politics of urban space’ British Journal of Criminology 53:1 (2013).
`Landscapes of performance: stalking as choreography’ Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 30: 3 (2012).